Life is busy, and I enjoy the challenges.

After handing in my ESD 100 coursework – Proof of Evidence, I want to relax for a while temporarily. These week, I was super busy for final coursework including ESD 200 Multi-critiera Decision Making, which I made a little progress for the mark. I feel  great to get adjust to the academic environment at Cambridge. I like the academic atmosphere and people here are incredible. Especially, the professors here are very approachable. I like to communicate with them and exchange the ideas about sustainable development issues.

These days except doing my final coursework, I have spent a bit of time working on my research about sustainable business model. I read a paper about servicizing and I think it is an excellent business model for sustainable development. Technically, servicizing is a business model that shifts from a product-oriented model to a service-oriented model to fulfill market demands. It refers to the intensification of the service component of a product-service systems which I have done some research about it before. However, servicizing alone does not necessarily contribute to outstanding environment friendly impacts. Green servicizing emphasizes environment performance compared to a “business-as-usual” approach to servicizing in meeting customer needs. Then I found out that there are tons of benefits of green servicizing in terms of sustainable development. For instance, it can reduce raw materials purchases, energy inputs and water resource consumption;  it can also reduce risk and decrease health and safety accident impacts, decrease wastes and contaminants in environmental releases, lower down use of toxic materials, improper disposal and uncontrolled recycling; moreover, it can improve recycling of wasted or disposed raw materials and overall materials management.

Furthermore, green servicizing act as an innovative model to enhance companies’ competitiveness, reduce the effect of negative externalities and add value in sustainability and environmental performance.  In terms of the economy perspective, green servicizing is a significant determinant of an economy’s overall performance, and it can make a significant contribution to a more sustainable economy. I also found out the example from the research articles and newspapers that car-sharing services, chemical management systems and solar leasing in some developed countries such as the UK, the US and German, have demonstrated the resource efficiency, environmental and business performance benefits.

I am thinking about applying these sustainable business models to Chinese market and industries. I believe these models would make contribution to Chinese economy and help mitigate the environmental pollutions and energy security issues faced by the Chinese government. I will further my research in the environment and energy areas in developing countries, particularly in China.

Last but not least, I hope that I can do well in finals and have a happy Christmas!!!
